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Virtual Artist Reidency with Dr Jonas Baes, University of the Philippines
(April 2021)

Jonas Baes, Epos (2021) for alto clarinet solo
audio recording, simple quality

sheet music:
Jonas Baes, Epos (2021) for alto clarinet solo
performance instructions

Jonas Baes is a professor of composition at the University of the Philippines, and a musicologist researching traditional Philippine music.

In Epos for alto clarinet solo he transforms his impressions of the rituals and music of the island of Mindoro into sounds and notation of Western contemporary music.

Baes’s music is based on the dialectic of Asian tradition and European modernity, while it comes from a very concrete idea: the desire to preserve and perpetuate the traditional culture and nature of the Philippines.

Article about Jonas Baes's music in Neue Zeitschrift für Musik 02/2022 (German).

An English version of the article can be found here. (To be proofread and edited.)
